Germanica  I look to the western sky and find the man within.
Our Germanica Top 10 today is a debate about the veracity of the established Holocaust narrative between Germar Rudolf and Michael G. Vann on Jake Shield's Youtube channel entitled Fight Back.
Many thanks to Jake for being willing to address this controversial topic. Germar Rudolf presents one of the most objective fact-based challenges to the established Holocaust narrative that I have seen.
On the contrary, Michal G. Vann relies almost exclusively, in his defense of the established Holocaust narrative, on the fact that the majority of modern historians support the narrative, without acknowledging the political and social pressures placed on those scholars to support that view.
Rudolf makes the point that there has been no other event in history that has been subject to as much propagandistic distortion. Please listen to the discussion and form your own conclusion.
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Principle 8 - Pride: We are proud of the significant contribution that the Germanic Nation has made to Western Culture and its world-wide achievements throughout history.

Together with our other European brothers, the Germanic Peoples were the explorers, the discoverers, and the risk-takers that built Western Civilization - a world-wide civilization that is unmatched in history. As a people we are prepared to learn from our mistakes, but we are proud of our achievements.

We oppose those that criticize the Germanic Nation or the White Nation, while they benefit from our protection, generosity, creativity, institutions and intellectual property.

Our people led the sifting and winnowing of ideas that formed western thought and civilization. By definition disagreement and ideological struggle are part of the process, and it is only through this struggle that true greatness can be achieved. This is why non-whites will never fit in our civilization, they never paid the ten thousand year price of greatness.

We stand by our record and are confident of our future.

Note: The slides in this principle represent a small cross-section of great Germanic People, ordered by date of birth, that forever changed the cultural landscape of the world and helped to create Western Civilization.

James Watson (1928-) (33 of 33)
An American molecular biologist, geneticist and zoologist of English descent. He, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins were jointly awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering the molecular structure of DNA and its role in heredity.