Germanica  I look to the western sky and find the man within.
Our Germanica Top 10 today is from Jake Shields' Fight Back Rumble channel entitled 'David Duke on Human Rights, Race, and Zionism'.
Respect is due to Shields for having the courage to host David Duke. David Duke is a former Congressman that was persecuted as an early leader in the fight against anti-white movements in America. He points out the devastating effects that Zionism and excessive jewish influence on society has had on European peoples in America and throughout the world.
David Duke has consistently defended human rights for all peoples - including whites. He asserts that this includes the protection of our culture, nations, population and dignity. David Duke is aging, but he remains a motivational pillar for those who care about European peoples and their future. He predates all the younger players in this movement, but in many respects he personally paid the price to lay the racial realist foundation upon which they now stand.
This is a great opportunity to learn the undistorted truth about David Duke and his legacy to European peoples the world over.
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